a) How does Adams define art? Do you agree with his definition?According to Adams, art can be divided into categories like: literary arts, fine arts, and decorative arts. The line though between what is art and isn't is very blurry and can be complicated by things like architecture and things that are both creative and have a utilitarian aspect.
-art should have some moral values, games can be just an activity
-contains ideas, must have meanings
-if the focus is on how it's used--> less of an art
-if there are critics that review it as art
Drawing lines around
what is art seems problematic to me since every boundary that can be drawn is sure to have exceptions. For example saying that art must be recognized as such by critics or by the public would exclude anything that an artist never shares with anyone else. Also saying that something with a utilitarian primary focus is not art might exclude interactive art that is meant to be used in some way. This could go on forever, but what's important is the point that for each qualification of what is not art there is bound to be something with the same characteristic that is art. What seems important to me in this question is the issue of
intention. By this I mean if the creator of something intends to be art, then I think it can be.
b) According to Adams, what is needed for videogames to be considered as art?-If a game has a narrative it can fall into the category of literary arts
-Exploration of aesthetic properties: plays around with issues of perspective, color, and other visual considerations that artists might consider when working with more traditional types of art
It seems like a lot of the arguments related to defining what is or isn't art in terms of video games comes down to the intention and attention of the creator. If the artist pays attention to visual and conceptual considerations in the way an artist would then the video game is pushed into the realm of art. Also it seems like one can say that when a person seeks out to create something as art (be it a video game or not) then it can be considered art, just not necessarily
good art, or
successful art I would add.