Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Week For Online Video Sites

Earlier this week the Guggenheim curators for their upcoming, groundbreaking exhibition YouTube Play. A Biennial of Creative Video announced the shortlist of 125 videos that will next be narrowed down to 20 on October 21st. The selected 20 videos will be on view at the Guggenheim Museum in New York for just a short time (Oct. 22-24) so it seems most people will be viewing them online through the playbiennial's YouTube channel.

According to the web page for the biennial, "It is the goal of YouTube Play to reach the widest possible audience, inviting each and every individual with access to the Internet to submit a video for consideration. The end result will hopefully be the ultimate YouTube playlist: a selection of the most unique, innovative, groundbreaking video work being created and distributed online during the past two years." With this mission statement in mind, it seems logical that the videos will be on view at the museum for only a few days.

For more information on the show and issues related to video art and online video in general check out the blog created in conjunction with YouTube Play: The Take.

Vimeo, another popular online video website just announced the finalists for its first ever Vimeo Awards. They have divided their finalists into 9 categories:
  • Narrative
  • Documentary
  • Motion Graphics
  • Remix
  • Music Video
  • Experimental
  • Original Series
  • Animation
  • Captured
You can read more about the awards and browse finalists (5 per category) by categories HERE, or you can click HERE and view the shortlist (20 per category) for each category. The website reports that they received over 6500 submissions that came in from 80 countries and have now selected the top 20 for each category. The Top 5 finalists for each category will now be further narrowed down and the winners will be recognized at the Vimeo Awards Show on October 9th.

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